Inspiring Kids to Read

In a world dominated by technology and devices, kids are being pulled in a million different directions. Books are just so quiet! They don’t provide instant gratification, endless content, or gamification. They don’t beep, flash, or ding. Books are often in constant competition with technology and applications that do ALL of those things.

Making reading fun is essential to not only foster a love for reading but to encourage engagement with books and literature. When reading is perceived as being enjoyable and entertaining, it becomes a pleasurable activity for kids rather than a chore.

How do you make reading fun? Well, some kiddos won’t need a whole lot of enticing. Others, however, will need a little bit more encouragement! So, combine reading with other activities that the kids really like to do! For example, build a fort and read inside. Think about showing kids how reading is part of what we do every day. For example, work with kids to read a recipe and make something yummy.

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